Preparing for a warmer winter

Although it might seem as if summer has only just ended, there is a definite chill in the air now, which is a timely warning that the colder weather of winter is not too far away. It is a good idea to prepare for the cold now, preparing the house and getting everything sorted in good time, so that you don’t have to worry when the wind starts to blow.


Check it out

Do an energy ‘audit’ of your house now – get any broken windows fixed, or sticking doors repaired. Find out where any draughts are coming in and plug the gaps with newspaper or sealant to keep the heat inside. Invest in some draught excluders for those under-door gaps and make sure you have got adequate insulation in your loft. Learn how your radiators and thermostat work so that you can control the level of heating you require.

Get it serviced

A broken boiler can spell disaster in the winter, so book yours in for a service now, while you are not so reliant on the central heating and while the engineers are not quite so busy. Have your filters cleaner, and while you are at it, have your oven looked at and any dripping taps mended.

Waste not, want not…

Think of ways of conserving energy in the winter. For example, avoid heating empty rooms, or leaving the heating on when you open a window. Only boil a kettle with the water you are planning to use then and there, and try to have showers instead of baths to save on hot water. Turn the thermostat right down when you’re going out, or have your heating on a timer to make sure it only comes on when you need it to.

Use natural resources

On sunny days, open your curtains and blinds on south facing windows, closing then at sunset to retain any heat brought in by the sun. Look into alternative energy sources, such as solar power. You could collect rainwater in a butt or large container outside, then use it for cleaning the floor, or washing the car.

Thinking ahead

If you feel chilly, but not enough to need extra heating, putting on an extra jumper can work wonders and cost nothing. As can a washing up bowl of warm water and your favourite bubble bath for cold feet. Don’t position large furniture in front of radiators either as this will block the heat from coming into the room. Instead, place tin foil behind the radiator to reflect it further.

Clever costings

Have you done an energy supplier comparison lately? This is very simple to do online and could save you a tidy sum in energy bills. While you are online, check out your local council’s website too, to make sure you’re not missing out on any government funding help, such as the winter fuel allowance for UK residents meeting certain age-related and other criteria.

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