green energy

5 Ways To Power Your Home With Renewable Energy

5 Ways To Power Your Home With Renewable Energy

One of the proven ways to save money on electricity is the use of renewable energy. Unless you have some money to throw around on bills, it is the best option. However, the major challenge over the years for most people out there has always been how to make use of this method. This post…

Measures Which Can Help Take the Edge Off Your Transition to Green Energy

Measures Which Can Help Take the Edge Off Your Transition to Green Energy

There is a great push worldwide to move towards green energy technology. It is more of a natural progression, specially considering the fact that how much energy dependent we are not and how we have cut ourselves from most of the options that have been available to us. So what is the big deal here?…

Green Deal could face voluntary liquidation

Green Deal could face voluntary liquidation

Summary – The Green Deal Finance Company is being forced to consider liquidation due to a funding gap. The Green Deal Finance Company (GDFC), which aimed to deliver loans to homeowners as part of the government’s flagship energy efficiency scheme, may have to consider voluntary liquidation because it has been unable to convince the state-owned…