How to Make Solar Panels

How to Make Solar Panels

The phrase solar panel is now used colloquially to refer to a photovoltaic cell. These cells generate electricity by converting the photons from sunlight into energy and in turn use this power to power household appliances.

Solar cells are constructed out of silicon, iron, or another conductor that absorbs light energy, and then gives out electrical charge. The photovoltaic cells are built with silicon crystals on both sides of a thin layer of aluminum oxide on top of a substrate. This substrate acts as a collection medium between the top and bottom layers. The light that hits this substrate will be absorbed by the silicon crystals which will then be converted into electricity.

Most solar panels will have multiple modules. The modules contain a series of photovoltaic cells. The number of modules will depend on the amount of energy that you wish to harvest from the sun and where the cells are located.

Are There Any Kits For Building Solar Panels?

Many manufacturers of solar panels will allow you to purchase kits that include everything you need to build your first solar panels. This allows you to save money on parts since you can do everything yourself.

You can also buy a kit that contains all the materials to build your solar panels and assemble them yourself. Once completed, you will be able to sell the unused parts at a profit. If you decide to continue using the panels you make you may want to consider selling them on so you can earn additional income. However, if you are building solar panels for residential use you may want to consider purchasing a kit.

Electronic and Wiring Skills are Required

In order to build your own solar panels, you will need an accurate set of instructions as well as a good understanding of electronics and wiring. There are several books available that provide comprehensive instructions. You should also be able to find a good set of blueprints on the Internet. If you find these resources are too overwhelming for your needs, you can always hire a professional to build the panels for you.

When it comes time to construct your solar panels, you will want to start by assembling the photovoltaic modules. You will then connect the modules together with a few wire leads. Next, attach the battery cells to the panels using the correct connections so you do not damage any of the cells.

Some solar panel kits come with instructions so you do not have to worry about these steps, but if you choose to take this route you will still need to find detailed instructions. If you cannot find these instructions then there are a number of good websites that give detailed step-by-step instructions on how to make your own solar panels.


Before you begin constructing your solar panels, you should make sure to follow the instructions closely to ensure that you have a successful project. If you follow the directions exactly you should have a working panel in the backyard of your home within a few days.